Saturday 5 September 2015


Just like it takes two to tango, friendship too is a two way thing. 
According to Judith Viorst, we have other kinds of friends like-

CONVENIENCE FRIENDS- we do not know much about them. They are ACQUAINTANCES we call friends. We relate with them out of convenience like our Facebook friends, and other social network friends, lodge-mates, school mates and neighbours.

CLOSE FRIENDS- we reveal our private selves to them. They contribute to our personal growth. Distance could make you lose them. They are your friends due to proximity and communication. They could be your classmates, workmates, or playmates.

SPECIAL INTEREST FRIENDS- we share same goals with them at a particular time. This friendship does not last. Example FFF- friends for food, weight-loss partner, job hunting partner, admission seeking friends, clubbing friends.

HISTORICAL FRIENDS- we share similar pasts like when you first fell a teeth, when you were living in a public house, when you first lost your vee and stuffs like are still intimate as the days go by. They are SISTERS WITHOUT SIBLING RIVALRY. When you meet them after a long time, it feels like you have been there all along.

CROSSROAD FRIENDS- they are powerful friends we meet at a very crucial point in our lives like delivery/birth time, picnic friends, etc.. We keep in touch through calls, texts and letters

CROSS GENERATIONAL FRIENDS- this is a lovely kind of friendship that involves people from different age groups, like the bond between mother and child, aged and teenager, senior and junior. This kind of friendship permits the share and exchange of wisdom and knowledge

PART OF A COUPLE FRIENDS- they are reluctant friends. We can do without them. They are there due to circumstances like marriage. When your husband's friends' wives have to be your friend.

MEN WHO ARE FRIENDS- they are friends who are closer than our boyfriends or husbands. They are total inevitable.

MEDIUM FRIENDS- we can tell our medium friends that you are hungry

PRETTY GOOD FRIENDS- we can tell them we are broke that is why we can not feed.

VERY Good FRIENDS- we can explain the extend of our brokenness.

BEST OF FRIENDS- bares their souls to themselves like toddlers, letting themselves into each other.
Friendship is defined by our level of intimacy. I cannot but shed tears when a close friend suddenly becomes a convenience friend... But we still cannot make old friends.
I love my friends... All of the types. Where do you fall in???

Thursday 3 September 2015


The HOLY BIBLE says a friend sticketh closer than a sister, while in a real world, friendship has to do with sacrifices. 
According to Amarachi Chukwunyere, (2012); "there must exist a fool in every friendship." hmm! Now that is deep! Survey your friendship and find out your role. Are you the fool or the wise? Lol! Lest I forget. It is the fool that keeps a friendship stronger because two wise men can never make a strong bond. It would never last. “Over sabi” go kill them. If your relationship just got weak overtime, just know that the fool only got wiser...
Another category of friendship is the Old friends and the new friends. We make new friends everyday but "we can't make old friends" Dolly Parton. 
Old friends are always the best. Our first friends are the best of them all.
This article is too long... I will continue in the next post. Hehehe. So are you the fool in your relationship? Are u missing someone who you imagine does not miss you back... this is the only reason. You are either the fool or the person is


I am very sure that you have been worried sick over his elicit and unobtrusive behaviour of recent.
 Here is the bitter truth, you just recreated a schizoid son.
You have indirectly created this social self in him;
a recognition of himself based only on what you have instilled in him.
You have carved a super-ego in him that mandates him to conform to the family standards.
You have given him a direct blow on his self-esteem.
You have abused him and compared him with his mates because you find him not good enough (comparison is a thief of joy- Theodore Roosevelt)
You have incessantly shown him derogatory attitudes and asperity because of his one mistake
And you expect him not to withdraw into his shell and lock up.
You show an open preference for his siblings and expect him not to undermine his security and double his efforts to outshine them?
As a result, he has developed this masochistic trends and you are worried
He does not depend on you now any more but on others - his peer group (your thought exactly)

And you think ' so what's new in the whiskey business?'
Come on! Resist the use of such blunt and incendiary words. They are alive and highly inflammatory. Use prayers and love on him before you irrevocably have for yourself, a narcissistic son incapable of loving either himself or anyone else.

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