Friday 6 March 2015


 Who in the world could forgive you completely apart from our maker? I am utterly dumb struck as I eavesdrop in our neighbours' little cliché. God has carefully made a woman out of the most delicate organ of a man. Little wonder, all Jezebels have their soft spots. At least one weak point. Willing to go through the solid nine months of funny body changes, a woman takes it upon herself to become a mother; to bring into the world, a fate less child. A child whose fate lies on the mother's nurture, as the world sees it. I have whole lots of things to say about a mother's heart alone that even 357 pages of a thick cover note cannot contain. Mothers' hearts are fragile, yet strong! They break down easily and recuperates as fast. No matter how bad a child has gone; no matter how difficult a father takes it; a mother still reaches out for her child...

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